please find me either a copy of or someone who has a copy of or someone who knows someone who has a copy of OR EVEN someone who has ever laid eyes on a copy of this record
apparently there is more than one (me) fanatical Vulgar Boatmen fan out there so this album starts running at about 80 big ones. but i NEED it so badly it hurts!
a. lately i've been listening to The Soft Boys, The Silos, R.E.M.'s Murmur, Jay Reatard, Sonic Youth, and one night recently Brian Eno's Another Green World was played by me & a special someone over & over again throughout the night. but more than anything else, i've been WAY into PAVEMENT lately. especially Wowee Zowee, which was the only one of their albums i hadn't played a ton over the years. but i've made up for it in the past few weeks, as that album is on constant repeat. here is their video for "Rattled by the Rush":
b. Elliott Smith is the only person who could make Big Star's "Thirteen," the most achingly beautiful song ever, even more beautiful. this is from Lucky Three, a film E.S. was in:
c. the day after my birthday, the magnificent Elephant 6 Holiday Surprise Tour came to NYC. it was quite a spectacle. the crowd was rabid & the place was completely packed. i had the great honor of watching most of the show from backstage, while i rubbed elbows with some of the biggest indie rock icons of the past 2 decades. they are some of the coolest, most creative, sweetest, most genuine and talented people anywhere in the world. it was the best birthday present ever.
i was also left with an old, hole-y, AMAZING e6 t-shirt at the end of that long night (that actually never ended, because we never went to sleep). a few days later i also got an old, AMAZING Athens, Ga t-shirt from my friend for my birthday. how 'bout that.
2. This past weekend was CMJ in the city & lots of crazy/drunken/amazingly fun things went on.
a. on Thursday night, i went to see Mission of Burma.
b. on Friday during the day, Jay Reatard came to the Matador offices & played a few songs as everyone in the office stopped what they were doing and huddled around to watch. it was like a mini-concert in the middle of the workday. pretty amazing. Jay's Matador Singles '08 is one of my favorite albums of the year. here he & his band do an awesome cover of an old Go-Betweens (!!) tune:
c. on Friday night, E came in to town. we made gin & tonics and went to Gowanus. we wanted to see Crystal Stilts, but arrived too late because apparently in New York City shows actually start on time. SHEESH. so we saw Ladybug Transistor who the man at the door referred to as "Ladybirds." from there, we headed to Manhattan. along the way, we ran into my subway pal from my hometown as well as a busker on the subway who, despite his designer glasses that i complimented him on and his fancy 12-string guitar that he let me play, asked us for a "donation" after he played us 2 beatles tunes. i hate when people sing to me. but this dude was pretty hysterical. we parted ways with our new friend and went to the Matador afterparty in the Lower East Side. drank some free Stellas, had enthusiastic interactions with people who usually never talk to me at work, admired the Halloween decorations, and got out of there around 3 am.
d. on Saturday night, M came over to Greenpoint and he and E and i had some beers & maybe a shot of vodka or two.
it was rainy, so E & i took a cab to Williamsburg for that night's show. Women played first. they were a delightful surprise. really really good stuff. they are from Canada i think.
the venue was supercool and there were crazy Alice In Wonderland videos being played on the walls and we drank Colt 45's and just had a blast. after a few pretty dreadful acts, it was once again time for JAY REATARD. it was SUCH a fun show. superfast songs, high energy from the band and the crowd, singing along and going crazy, those luscious long flowing curls of his. this way FAR OUT photo was taken by E:
e. oh, but towards the end of Jay's set, a few members of the crowd were getting a bit unruly, and some dude slammed into me and knocked me down, as i was stood at the front of the stage. now i've got a GIGANTIC black and blue bruise on my thigh & what i think is a broken finger:
i'm pretty badass, i guess.
3. i've fallen in love with Brooklyn lately.
a. the other night, after the Mission of Burma show, all by my lonesome, kind of late at night, i took the long way home. i walked 20 minutes down Bedford back to Greenpoint. it was just elating. it was a beautiful night, people were out but it was quiet, the park was on the right, old Polish churches all around.
b. i was also eating a slice of broccoli pizza from a pizzeria right by the Bedford L stop on this walk home. it was one of the best slices i've ever had. i got another after the Jay Reatard show, with E, before we made the late night walk home for our second night of going to bed at 6 am. tasty:
a. also on our walk home from Williamsburg after Jay Reatard, we saw THIS:
it was pretty amazing. it looked so beautiful. perhaps all those Colt 45's were making me overly emotional, but it was really inspiring, kinda got me all misty-eyed. well not really, but almost.
b. my dad pointed me to this hilarious/lovely essay written by the one & only Larry David. read:
c. i've never been a big SNL fan, but i've been really enjoying all their election sketches. that Tina Fey sure is terrific. the dudes who play McCain and Obama are great too. they make me laugh out loud.
d. semi-related, i've also been reading The Onion a lot and it CRACKS ME UP. especially uproarious are news items entitled "First Openly Gay Racehorse To Compete Sunday" & "John McCain Accidentally Left On Campaign Bus Overnight" and "'I Am Under 18' Button Clicked For First Time In History of Internet." HI-LARIOUS!
"woke up on Monday and got ready for school, put on my uniform, it was three sizes too small. i said, 'dear, dear, dear teacher, i've been six years away and ain't finished my essay 'cos rock'n'roll rules ok!'" -Gorky's Zygotic Mynci
so. because i have a birthday coming up, & i am going to pretend to not really age another year ever again, and stay this age i am now forever, i came up with the ultimate list of songs about being young. here they are:
1. to be young- ryan adams ("when you're young you get sad then you get high") 2. why must i be a teenager in love?- dion & the belmonts 3. sixteen blue- the replacements 4. thirteen- big star ("maybe Friday i can get tickets for the dance and i'll take you") 5. spanish dance troupe- gorky's zygotic mynci 6. part of growing up- the tammys 7. wouldn't you?- biff bang pow! 8. 1,000,000- r.e.m. ("i could live a million years!") 9. let's kiss- beat happening 10. no time to be 21- the adverts 11. i'm not a juvenile delinquent- frankie lymon & the teenagers 12. susanne cochtrain- the right angles 13. ask- the smiths 14. i think we're alone now- tommy james & shondells ("'children, behave,' that's what they say when we're together") 15. expectations- belle & sebastian 16. you're so square, baby i don't care- buddy holly 17. noise annoys- buzzcocks 18. not yet three- jonathan richman & the modern lovers 19. the boy with the perpetual nervousness- the feelies 20. crazy- galaxie 500 ("you're so old, you must be 23, spent the year in a drunken frenzy") 21. now i wanna sniff some glue- ramones 22. teenage partner- gene vincent 23. joyriders- pulp 24. i know everything- the soup dragons 25. this angry silence- television personalities 26. silver lining- beulah ("punk rock was my first girl") 27. be true to your school- the beach boys 28. my girl- hoodoo gurus ("i took her to a dance and then i didn't see her all night") 29. holy moly- the pastels 30. today i lost a tooth- olivia tremor control 31. teenage kicks- the undertones 32. (i live for) cars and girls- the dictators 33. all grown up- the crystals ("when i'm all grown up/no more ponytails/if he wants to kiss i might say 'all right'") 34. brother- oh-ok 35. teenage fbi- guided by voices 36. doreen- old 97's ("when i first met doreen, she was barely 17, drinkin' whiskey sours at the bar") 37. perfect youth- the pointed sticks 38. the teacher- super furry animals 39. rock'n'roll high school- ramones ("i don't care about history/i just wanna have some kicks, i just wanna get some chicks") 40. teenage high 2- the pooh sticks 41. it's my party- lesley gore 42. sex is boring- ballboy 43. you're just a baby- belle & sebastian ("so kiss me on the cheek and then go off to school") 44. temptation- new order 45. big girls don't cry- frankie valli & the 4 seasons 46. our secret- beat happening ("i said 'i like you' and she said that she liked me/no one in this whole world could ever understand, that's why we're running away") 47. got a job- smokey robinson & the miracles 48. oh oh i love her so- ramones 49. young & lovely- blur 50. melt show- old 97's ("in the front row of the Melt show i fell in love with you and that was 3 weeks ago/i don't believe in school no more, you don't learn anything, you're just waitin' around")
i saw The Feelies a few weekends ago in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. they were phenomenally fast & tight & perfect & amazing. i think the highlight of the show for me had to be "Raised Eyebrows," with it's pounding, primal three-drum intro, giving way to jittery guitars and a beautiful melody. IN-CREDIBLE. this is what the "Raised Eyebrows" (with "Fa Ce La") single looked like when it came out in 1980.
The Feelies are my style icons they were (and ARE) so cool, they just dressed and looked perfect to me.
My favorite album cover of all time, how can you deny THE COOLNESS:
Glenn has the best style of any man ever. He was sporting some amazing tortoisehell sunglasses & nicely-fitting khakis & awesome all black All-Stars.
Oh, and Dave, the guy who plays percussion, was my FAVE. he completely owned the tambourine & bells & maracas & occasional snare and bass drum.
before The Feelies came on, SHRUBS opened for them, and i thought they were the greatest thing i'd ever heard. they also were amazing because they had mini-shrubs on stage with them. and the drummer especially rules because he gave me all this crazy stuff. he liked me.
and, while we're on the subject, i also saw the mighty Robert Forster (of the best band of all time, The Go-Betweens) a few days before The Feelies. Robert wins at life.