Monday, November 3, 2008

This Is The Day.

the last election four years ago was My First Vote. it was also my first year of college. so i was basically surrounded by zealous first-time voters in an incredibly idealistic & liberal bubble. i guess we really felt like we were in control for the first time. so when, around 2 am, things started going downhill very very quickly, it was utterly crushing. we took it personally. the next day, after the defeat was official, the whole campus was just sulking around. classes were cancelled. i remember showing up to my African Art class and our professor saying, "you all don't want to be here do you? everyone is too depressed." we all just morosely nodded "yes" and left.

SO ANYWAY! TOMORROW! HAPPY THOUGHTS! because despite the last election feeling huge, this one is unfathomably huger. a trillion times bigger. this is our last chance to get it right.

so in honor of November 4th, 2008, what else would i do but create a mixtape?

here you go, Election Day, enjoy.

1. Super Tuesday- vic chesnutt
2. Washington, D.C.- magnetic fields
3. November- the desert wolves
4. America Is- violent femmes
5. Politics- girls at our best!
6. Christ for President- billy bragg & wilco
7. Heroes & Villains- the beach boys
8. George Says He Has Lost His Way In This World- the clientele
9. Leader of Men- let's active
10. Until the Poorest of People Have Money to Spend- west coast pop art experimental band
11. Welfare Bread- king khan & the shrines
12. Workin' in the Coalmine- lee dorsey
13. I Fought the Law- the crickets
14. Running the World- jarvis cocker
15. The Greedy Ugly People- hefner
16. We Are All Bourgeois Now- mccarthy
17. Don't Worry About the Government- talking heads
18. Never Been in a Riot- mekons
19. Police & Thieves- the clash
20. Government Center- the modern lovers
21. Middle Class- pointed sticks
22. Help Save the Youth of America- billy bragg
23. 2 Little Hitlers- elvis costello
24. Exhuming McCarthy- r.e.m.
25. Dear God- xtc
26. Finally Free- elf power
27. Change the World All Around- vulgar boatmen
28. Dismantled King is Off the Throne- felt
29. Freedom- the housemartins
30. Glad To See You Go- ramones

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