Thursday, September 18, 2008

the economy in me-land

NEW YORK CITY IS SO EXPENSIVE. you've been warned. but still, we choose to live here because it's just so darn terrific. i guess.

in the past week, i've had both good & bad experiences with the ways of money.

1 diet coke at joe's pub in manhattan- $5.45
1 corona at joe's pub in manhattan- $8
1 gin and tonic at joe's pub in manhattan- $10
a round trip subway ride from brooklyn to manhattan- $5 (it adds up real quick!!!)
soy crips from natural food store in williamsburg- $4

coffee from a stand in manhattan near spring and hudson- 75 cents (and the guy is so nice too!!)
a bottle of wine from trader joe's wine shop in union square- $3.99
a whole slew of groceries, including hummus, crackers, a Luna bar, eye makeup remover cloths, cereal, whole wheat pasta, bananas, & a box of mac and cheese from trader joe's in union square- $16
12 pack of diet coke from natural food store in williamsburg- $2.99
1 fancy beer on tap at BARCADE (a bar with retro video games, sweet!)
in williamsburg- $5
CD's like pavement's wowee zowee, times new viking's rip it off, and the entire sonic youth back catalog- FREE! (if you work where i work)

& tickets to see robert forster & the feelies within one week of each other- priceless

& i make a whopping TEN DOLLARS a day at my internship. I'M RICH!

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