i googled myself recently & lots of things popped up. just a few minutes ago, i googled my high school band the Right Angles & nothing popped up. & that just seemed wrong. i am no one to have anything to google about, but the Right Angles were special, & i wish there was more evidence of their existence to be found. there are 5 people in the world, besides me, that own a copy of our self-recorded EP "What's Going On Here, Please?" Calvin Johnson is one of those people, along with my mother, my friends Tony & Billy, & a lovely musician friend who i was in love with during my whole high school career.
there really isn't enough time in the world to talk about the Right Angles in depth, but i want some photographic evidence of us to be shot out into the internet universe. all of these were taken pre-digital camera days, so they are pictures OF pictures, and thus really crappy, but they shall suffice. here we go...
early practices, circa 10th grade, spring of 2002, in our school uniforms
summer after 10th grade, playing @ Satori in Mobile, AL for "Nick Drake Night"
post-show in 11th grade, fall of 2002, at Picklefish, joined by my high school bf <3
cover of our EP, completed in Nov. 2002
one of many of our Christmas card photos, taken in downtown Fairhope, AL by my mother, in Dec. 2002
back-to-school show @ Satori in 12th grade, Sept. 2003
day-after-Halloween show @ Coffee Loft, Oct. 2003 (notice my sweet jack-o-lantern t)
if we'd made a full length album it would have been called "You Can Rely On The Right Angles" or "What, Who Died, Me?"
[i intend to release Right Angles recordings/videos on my record label. look out for things to come later in 2009 & 2010.]
after every show we played, we'd go to Picklefish with our families & friends & eat pizza & celebrate (we were so beautifully insanely wholesome- we didn't consume one illegal substance or drink ever in high school-- while still being completely crazy). every single time, as we were leaving, we'd say
"The Right Angles are leaving the building."
Sunday, April 26, 2009
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yr so funny! good memories!
what's up with these pictures? Are they from the 1960s?
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