Thursday, December 6, 2007

Stone Roses Season.

When I was 12 years old, I borrowed my dad's copy of the Stone Roses' self-titled debut album. It just so happened to be during Christmastime that I first heard it. I consider it to be my favorite album of all time, but I really only listen to it during a very special time of year. Ever since that first listen, 1o years ago, The Stones Roses has made its appearance every Christmas. Around the beginning of December, it slowly creeps out. And within a few weeks, it is all I listen to. And by December 26th, it's back on the shelf. It's one tradition that hasn't faded away over time. I get excited every December, because I know what that means- It's Stone Roses Season. I am a sucker for the holidays, cheer and fireplaces and chestnuts and spicey smells and all. But nothing says Christmas like the Stone Roses.

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